If you want a neat and tidy home, don't start by organizing. Organizing is important, but don’t start there if you want lasting results. Use the systematic approach of the KonMari Method™ of tidying. Take the time to think through your strategy with Marie Kondo’s Six Basic Rules of Tidying. First, make a commitment to tidying up, decluttering, and organizing. It will take time to declutter and you need to be honest about how much time you can regularly devote to the hard work of tidying. Can you devote 4 hours a week? Set yourself up for success by committing to the work. Second – and this is key – imagine your ideal lifestyle. If you could live in any surroundings you want, what would that look like? More importantly, what would that feel like? Your goal in tidying should revolve around what matters most to you. When you’re done decluttering and organizing, you will be surrounded by only things that bring you joy and support your vision for your future. When your space supports the life you desire, you will be free to focus on what matters to you. Your vision will guide your decision making as you tidy.
Third, when you do the work of tidying, always start by sorting through your belongings and discarding every item that doesn’t spark joy. Getting your stuff pared down first is essential. Don’t start by organizing or you will be organizing stuff you don’t need or want, just for the sake of organizing. Fourth, tidy by category, not location. If you have books stored in multiple places throughout your home, gather them all up in one room. This way you will avoid having to go back and forth every time you enter a room with books. Fifth, follow the order recommended by the KonMari Method because it goes from easier to harder so that you can see early success and feel how freeing it is. Getting through your clothes first is a big win! Along the way, your decision-making skills will improve to the point where you can tackle the hard stuff. The final basic rule of tidying is to keep only those items that spark joy. When you begin sorting, ask yourself (for example) ‘Do I love to wear this pair of pants?’ – does it give you a little thrill to slip them on and pair them with a favorite blouse? Do you feel particularly “snappy” in that suit? Does it spark joy? If so, that’s a keeper! If, not then it’s time to say thanks for serving me well and let go. Either donate them or toss them. Do that with every single item you own. If it doesn’t have a role in your vision of your ideal future, let it go. Then, it’s time to organize. More on that next time. Start your transformation today! Contact me for a 30-minute consultation. It’s free to D2S blog subscribers, so call or email now! Mrg (Mrg rhymes with berg) 605-929-1493 [email protected]
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August 2023
Copyright © 2018-2025 Designed 2 Stick SM. All rights reserved.
The Reluctant Enthusiast LLC, doing business as Designed 2 Stick, is owned and operated by Mrg Simon, Glen Rose, TX. All images and content are copyrighted, and the property of Mrg Simon and The Reluctant Enthusiast LLC, unless otherwise stated. All header/banner photos are courtesy of Unsplash. The Reluctant Enthusiast claims no right in the registered marks of third parties, including KMI Media and Marie Kondo.. Mrg Simon and The Reluctant Enthusiast LLC are not acting or speaking on behalf of Marie Kondo, KonMari Media Inc., nor are they authorized to do so.
*Designed 2 Stick and Mrg Simon do not offer legal services. Mrs. Simon does not accept legal clients or provide legal advice.
The Reluctant Enthusiast LLC, doing business as Designed 2 Stick, is owned and operated by Mrg Simon, Glen Rose, TX. All images and content are copyrighted, and the property of Mrg Simon and The Reluctant Enthusiast LLC, unless otherwise stated. All header/banner photos are courtesy of Unsplash. The Reluctant Enthusiast claims no right in the registered marks of third parties, including KMI Media and Marie Kondo.. Mrg Simon and The Reluctant Enthusiast LLC are not acting or speaking on behalf of Marie Kondo, KonMari Media Inc., nor are they authorized to do so.
*Designed 2 Stick and Mrg Simon do not offer legal services. Mrs. Simon does not accept legal clients or provide legal advice.